2011 RYA Motor Cruise
Boatshed Hamble are proud to announce there support of this years RYA Motor Cruise.
23 boats signed up for this years cruise which is accompanied by the RYA support Rib and one of the Sea Start Rib's.
The skippers briefing was held at 1830 hrs on Saturday 23rd July at the Royal Solent Yacht Club followed by a drinks reception hosted by Boatshed Hamble.
A number of owners Who spoke with Peter Delbridge at the welcome drinks reception , agreed that their boats for sale web site www.boatshedhamble.com was by far the best for buying and selling boats and they would use them in the future. On their Yacht Brokerage website you can see up to 80 photos of every boat for sale, plus the brokers know each boat they are are selling as they have actually been on-board and taken all the photos. Boatshed.com now have over 400,000 thousand boat fans who are looking to buy a boat, so if you list your boat with Boatshed, the brokers will search through to find a suitable buyer as soon as your boat goes online.
The cruise left Yarmouth on Sunday morning bound for Cherbourg and was due to visit Carteret and St Peter Port as the week proceeds.
If you are a "Channel Virgin" and fancy the support of an organised cruise,
contact Andrew Norton at the RYA and sign up for next years.
Peter Delbridge of www.boatshedhamble.com